Contact Us

  • Phone  0212642821
  • Email
  • Address:  73 Mick Dillon Road, Makarau, 0873 Auckland
  • (address for Fridays & Saturdays sessions at The Connection: 20/2181 East Coast Rd, Silverdale)
Rose and lavender

Service/Product Exchange Opportunity

Reiki Energy Healing is a blessing I am honored to share with you, my sisters and brothers.

I would very much love to offer my services for free and on my journey there I am implementing the PRODUCT/SERVICE EXCHANGE SYSTEM, which will hopefully make my services accesible to more people. 

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch and arrange our ENERGY EXCHANGE.

Arohanui, Diana Maties


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Payment Info: Bank: Wespac
Account name: Crystal Place
Account number: 03-1528-0084040-000
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