Usui Reiki Training Level 2 - Distant Healing

Traditional Usui Reiki Training Level 2 | One Day Intense Reiki Workshop & Certification  

Training Description

Advance on your Reiki Journey to a whole new level – Healing at Distance. 

Reiki Level 2 training is for you if you already completed Usui Reiki Level 1 Training and you feel there is much more awaiting for you to dive in. 

Reiki level 2 is also called the “Inner or Hidden Teachings”, because it helps us to rediscover what is hidden within us. 

In the Usui Reiki Level 2 Training you will :
-access a deeper meaning of the Reiki symbols learnt at Level 1 ;
-revise the 5 Reiki Precepts with added information and insights ;
-learn and practice traditional Usui Meditation techniques ;
-get attuned at Usui Reiki Level 2 ;
-learn Usui Reiki Level 2 symbol, its meanings and how to use it ;
-learn and practice Reiki Healing at Distance ;
-learn how to enhance your Reiki experience by integrating crystals and essential oils in your practice. 

Additional training is available – Reiki Level 1 for starting your Reiki Journey and Level 3, Reiki Master, for those who wish to extend their healing capacity and go deeper into the Usui Reiki System teachings. 

I, Diana Maties, your host and teacher, I’m a Reiki Master, active Reiki Practitioner and Psyche Energy Reader. Quoting from one of my students, I will guide you through the theoretical and practical teachings of REIKI with ease and grace, paying attention to your learning style and needs. 🙂 

Reiki, in its omniscient wisdom will drive you to the right Reiki master for you and at the right time. Let me know of any obstacles you may encounter in manifesting your call and I may be able to help. 

Optional, you can bring your “Personal Growth” notebook, or you can create one with this occasion. 


The God in me bows down to the God in you.
With much gratitude,

Address again 73 Mick Dillon Road, 0873, Makarau, Auckland

Shared vegetarian/vegan morning tea and lunch, please bring a plate to share.
Investment: $290
Account name: Crystal Place
Account number: 03-1528-0084040-000
Phone: 021 264 28 21 

Upcoming dates for  

Level 2 Reiki healing training at Life Light NZ 

Please express your interest and we will co-create other training sessions.