Usui Reiki Training Level 1

Reiki Training Level 1 | Reiki Workshop & Certification 

Reiki healing training at Life Light NZ 

Complete Reiki healing training course and get attuned and qualified at Reiki Level 1. 

Become a certified Reiki Practitioner at Life Light NZ. Heal yourself & others by channelling Source Energy.  

Book your Reiki Healing Training online below or give me a call on 0212642821 – Diana Maties  

Training Description:  

Welcome to the beginning of your conscious Reiki journey.


The only requirement for attending this Reiki training is your desire to connect with the Reiki energy and its loving presence. If that is you, “you have been called and you have come!”  

In the USUI REIKI Level 1 Workshop you will receive the attunement for Reiki Level 1 and the Practitioner Certificate.  

You will learn:
*What Reiki energy is and how it works;
*An overview of the history and origins of Usui Reiki system;
*The 5 Reiki Precepts and practical guidelines for applying these principles in your daily life;
*The standard hands-on healing positions, plus over 50 hands positions for specific ailments;
*How to perform ‘self Reiki healing’ and ‘healing others’
*The Reiki symbols and how to work with them;
*Healing animals and plants.   

You will give and receive a 60 min Reiki session as part of the Reiki Level 1 Certification.   

You will receive an 85 pages PDF manual with all the theoretical and practical matters discussed in this workshop.
It is advisable you read the whole manual soon after the training.   

The attunement ceremony and the first practice of Reiki healing are the most touching parts of the training, as you will experience healing energy, not only mentally or emotionally, but experiential – for real.   

Through Reiki attunement and practice of the hands-on healing you will become able to activate the innate healing power of the human body, at physical, mental (thoughts & emotions) and spiritual level.  

Usui Reiki training represents a “quantum leap”/a major change in many people’s lives. You will feel more connected to yourself and to Spirit.   

With practice and dedication, you will start noticing synchronicities happening and guiding your life, and magic unfolding daily.   

The ultimate goal of the Usui Reiki teachings and my goal for this training is for our students to discover the divine presence in themselves and become empowered to live a joyful life.    

Additional training is available, Reiki Level 2 – Healing at Distance and Level 3 – Reiki Master, for those who wish to extend their healing capacity and go deeper into the Usui Reiki System teachings.   

I, Diana Maties, your host and teacher, I’m a Reiki Master, active Reiki Practitioner and Psyche Energy Reader. I will guide you through the theoretical and practical teachings of REIKI, paying attention to your learning style and spiritual needs, making sure this training will bring what you need the most for spiritual growth and expansion of your true self.    

Reiki, in its omniscient wisdom will drive you to the right Reiki master for you and at the right time, so please let me know of any obstacles you may encounter in manifesting your call and I may be able to help.   

The God in me bows down to the God in you.
With much gratitude,

Shared vegetarian/vegan morning tea and  lunch, please bring a plate to share. 

Investment:  $290 

Account name: Crystal Place
Account number: 03-1528-0084040-000
Phone: 021 264 28 21